Monday, August 19, 2013

WELCOME...and random ramblings

Welcome to my Junktastic World.   I am from a long line of hoarders...err, collectors? junkers? dealers? artists? aka:  people with alot of stuff.    I have inherited the love to treasure hunt and am a magnet to stuff....recycle, upcycle, name it.  It is ingrained in my DNA.

I grew up at Phoenix area Park and Swaps during the 70's.  OK..does anyone else really know know how fun that is? setting up tables and unpacking boxes in the dark? chatting with other vendors over morning coffee and pastries? all in the early morning hours...before the chickens are awake?  Such fond memories.  It is this genetically programmed tendency that gives me great joy and fear.  Fear of being like my grandmother...god love her...who could have seriously been featured on Hoarders.....yet, glorified on Pickers.  I don't remember her house as being all that bad....although, I guess making your way through a maze of boxes stacked floor/ceiling is probably not "normal" and come to think of it...neither was her driving around town with boxes crammed in the passenger seat, backseat, trunk...oh, yes who can forget the rolls of papertowels and toiletpaper shoved in the backwindow   Eccentric. Eclectic.  Whatever...she is a survivor and had cool shit..I mean, stuff.  Enough of that gibberish rambling.  I just know I do NOT want to go there.....

At any rate, I am at a crossroads where it is time to seriously downsize the stash and make room in my life for other projects.  Believe me...I will ALWAYS have projects.  Stick around as this is going to take time...I will be documenting my journey online through my blog, facebook, pinterest..and listing my bounty on all the above including craigslist, ebay, etsy.  Locals can come pick by appointment and periodically I will be holding true blue YARD SALES (weather permitting).   Yes, I could be a dealer and set up shop...but I don't have the time, energy, or commitment for that right now.

See something you like?  Looking for something in particular?  Let me know...I probably have it.


PS  Yes, I know there is a way to have blog followers and a pretty background..headers...fonts.  Haven't figured out how to do that yet.  Stay tuned.  This is an ongoing project.

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